Tuesday 12 January 2010

Team Building - on two wheels!

Looking to do something different on this year's team building trip? How about an activity that is undergoing a surge in popularity and is both great fun and good for you?

In other words, how about cycling? Edinburgh has access to some of the best cycling terrain in the country and we at 2 Wheel Tours are always happy to introduce people to it. Based in East Lothian, we are a bicycle tour operator and training provider, and are launching this exciting corporate programme for 2010.

Among the activities we will be offering are local day tours and games such as bike-orienteering; whereby teams work to solve clues and complete tasks in order to beat their opponents to the finish line - always guaranteed to bring out the competitive spirit! We also work with some excellent local restaurants and caterers to ensure that all the energy expended in these activities is more than replaced!

We strive to ensure that all levels of fitness and cycling experience are catered for and have qualified coaches on hand to provide assistance where needed. All safety equipment and bicycles are provided by us, although customers can of course bring their own bikes if preferred. A full day of entertainment can be provided, or we can be booked as a component to a varied activity day with another provider.

For more information:

email info@2wheel-tours.com,

visit us at www.2wheel-tours.com/corporate.html

or call 07932 676841.

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